Why Is It So Tough To Go To Mars And How Long To Get There?
Try to imagine the expansion of human civilization into space as if it were a child hopping from one rock to another, crossing the ford of a river. The first stone – or the first leap, the one that allowed confidence to build – was quite close to the shore, just 400 thousand kilometers away. We’re talking about the Moon, of course, a large satellite conveniently close to home, almost inviting us not to fear.
But the next stone, just emerging from the water, is a thousand times farther than the first… A truly frightening leap. And we’re talking about Mars, obviously. Here, the child stops to reflect. He’s afraid, even though he still wants to try. But how? What are the chances of success?
In plain terms, reading certain articles suggests that many volunteers are willing to jump, no matter what happens… But is it true? And has anyone warned them that going to Mars is not like going to the Moon? Are they aware that the estimated duration of the journey from Earth to Mars is not 3 days but several months?
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