Traveling to Proxima Centauri : How Long Will It Take Us?
If we were to go by an F1 car, it would take us approximately 25.600.000 million years – stops included!
If we managed to leave on a rocket, at the constant speed of 25 mph (11,2 km/s) – the speed needed to escape the Earth’s gravity – we would be there in something like 113.730 years.
Even with the fastest speed ever reached by a human-made spacecraft – 364,620 mph (163 km/s) – achieved by the Solar Parker Probe at perihelion, our trip will take a really long time: about 7815 years.
These are all gross approximations, but reaching Proxima Centauri would not only be a matter of time: even if you are in space, and there’s so much out there to be seen, boredom would probably kick in sooner than you expected, and you will find yourself in a metal cabin with always the same people, always the same faces. It would be really hard to reach Proxima Centauri: from a mental, logistic and physical point of view.
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