This Geological Fault Is More Dangerous Than The San Andreas Fault!
The Indian Ocean is home to one of the most active and dangerous geological faults in Asia and the world. The Sunda Megathrust is a tectonic subduction fault that has caused some of modern history’s most destructive and deadly earthquakes.
This area is more dangerous than the famous San Andreas fault in the US, and it could soon trigger an unprecedented mega-earthquake, causing a megatsunami larger than the 2004 Sumatra tsunami.
But… When and how will this event occur? Will this be the seismic event of the century? We accompany you to find out!
Why is Sunda’s Megathrust so dangerous? The Sunda Megathrust is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region that surrounds the Pacific Ocean and is characterized by intense volcanic and seismic activity.
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