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The planet known as ‘Pi’ has been found to possess identical dimensions to that of Earth.

Astronomical research conducted few month was revealed that a planet with Earth-like size takes only 3. 7 days – 14 days of the ecosystem: and the unexpected mathematics that ties everything together – Pi.

While researching the Kepler. dat archive containing data from the Kepler Space Telescope’s K2 mission in 2017, scientists made a rudimentary discovery of a celestial body which may be a planet orbiting a diminutive and freezing star called WISEA J111628. Using particulars SPECuloOS, which in English means The Search for Habitable Planets EClipsing ULtra-cool Stars and consists of a set of ground-based telescopes in Chile’s Atacama Desert the probabilities are checked and the researchers confirmed that the signals are indeed coming from an Earth-sized planet orbiting an extremely cold dwarf star.

It is a new planet which has been recently discovered and is called K2-315b with the radius of 0. Huge compared to the Earth with an estimated 95 times mass, it also orbits a petite star barely the size of the Sun.

K2-315b takes 3 days to go around its star, a period determined by the distance between the star and the planet. Hermes is able to move at a speed of approximately 181,000 miles per hour and get to the Earth in about 14 days.

The main author of the study, Prajwal Niraula, who is a graduate student at MIT EAPS, said that the motion of this planet is very precise and its movement can also be predicted.

Scientists observed the rather curious relationship between the time it takes Mars to orbit around the Sun and the figure Pi. For instance, Pi being a mathematical constant is usually estimated as 3. This is not the exact value but good enough for this kind of observation 14159

Julien de Wit, an assistant professor at EAPS and a co-author of the study, recalled about the fun that people find when exploring the world of science.

However, because of its relatively close distance from its star, it is improbable that orbit K2-315b is inhabited by extraterrestrial life. Temperatures on the surface are predicted to go over 350 F which is far from ideal for sustaining life forms as we see it.

Niraula stated these temperatures would make the planet uninhabitable within anybody’s conventional dictionary of habitation.

But what the Pi planet lacks in habitability, it compensates for by serving as a trial ground for atmospheric conditions.

Astronomers think the planet has a rocky core comparable to that of Earth. That makes it an excellent option for studying the atmospheres of other worlds. Such knowledge is useful when astronomers look for habitable conditions on distant planets.

“We now know we can mine and extract planets from archival data, and hopefully there will be no planets left behind, especially these really important ones that have a high impact,” de Wit stated.

The discovery is detailed in a study published in The Astronomical Journal.

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