The Jwst Reveals New Evidence: Is the Big Bang Theory Really Wrong? What’s behind It?
Big bang theory is the most widely accepted current scientific model in the universe despite the presence of many models in cosmology. As per to this theory, the universe originated as a extremely hot and dense point of few seconds about 13. 8 billion years ago. It then grew much faster and cooled down and caused formation of the matters, stars, galaxies and the large scale structure is present today.
Some of the evidences that favour the theory are; the cosmic Microwave background radiation; this is the heat left over from the time the big bang happened, the red shift; this shows that the universe is still expanding.
Big Bang has become one of the most effective theories that explain the history of the early universe how galaxies formed and how structures in the universe are distributed, which has influenced the modern perspective of the universe and more research has continued to be conducted regarding the ultimate destiny of the universe.
Is the image of the origin of the universe that we’ve had until now actually wrong? Discover the fascinating new clues and find out what really lies behind these revolutionary insights!
Get ready for a journey into the depths of the cosmos that could forever change our understanding of the universe!
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