Something Massive Has Just Been Spotted Moving Across the Moon!
The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite, orbiting at an average distance of 384399 km (238,854 mi; about 30 times Earth’s diameter). It faces Earth always with the same side. This is a result of Earth’s gravitational pull having synchronized the Moon’s rotation period (lunar day) with its orbital period (lunar month) of 29.5 Earth days. The Moon’s pull on Earth is the main driver of Earth’s tides.
A gigantic anomaly has just been spotted above the surface of the moon. Experts are puzzling over whether it is a natural phenomenon or something more sinister.
The images are clear – something large and dark is casting a shadow over the moon and moving at a speed that challenges all previous explanations.
What could it be? An unknown object, a secret mission or even something completely unexpected? NASA is keeping a low profile, but initial analyses are raising eyebrows.
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