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Factorizing the brain out, hence, leads the consciousness to the elimination state. Solely materialistic scientists has been the status qu way in past. Yet, the journey entailed them to encounter the restrictions laid down on materialism. Instances such as contrariousness between relativity and quantum mechanics correspond, or Himanshu’s uncertainty principle represent the complicated interconnect of these phenomena.

The philosophers since the beginning of their mankind and no matter what their cultural background has been, tried to decipher the very essence of the consciousness. The 21 {sup}st century problem of the mind-body conundrum is tackled by physicists, cognitive scientists as well as neuroscientists.Several prevailing theories exist. Materialism sounds as if human consciousness is nothing but a result of the neurons’ activity in the brain which can be reduced to matter.

On another hand, mind-body dualism suggests different orientations where consciousness is considered as the prerogative distinct from matter or body associated with spiritual or religious reasons and can be comparable to the soul. Extra proposed in other scientific circles that are based on across the universe is panpsychism, which propagates the idea that consciousness permeates the whole universium.

Even when a number of researchers have accepted the concept of a)discovered theory, it still is the subject of an ardent debate among scientists. Intriguingly, panpsychism is having a close relationship to Hindu and Buddhist Brahman, the supreme divine being where each individual is a particle of. Performing Buddha’s philosophy says that there exists a sole reality called consciousness.

This is depicted in the evergreen Zen koan: “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it produce a sound?” Indeed, it recalls on the perspective that our vision shapes our inner world. In and of itself, without consciousness, the universe simply is not or don’t allow it do exist or it doesn’t have any way to apprehend its present state. A hybrid model in physics is held by some, who believe that underpinning the fundamental particles of the world a preconscious field, a proto-consciousness field, persists.

In the quantum mechanics world, particles are located in a state of indeterminancy (meaning-state of indeterminacy) until they are observed or measured. It might be claimed that non-consciousness could be experienced here in some form. In his late scientific and philosophical work, John Archibald Wheeler, the physicist, introduced this conjecture, saying that every material feature reflects some of the consciousness that comes from a proto-conscious field.

The physicist formed this idea based upon P.W. Bridgman’s independent contact version of the principle, demonstrating the human act of observation in the production of reality. Wheeler reasoned in agreement with Buddhist philosophy that only consciousness actually defines being which in turn is based upon the presence of consciousness.

By Christof Koch, who is neuroscientist at the Allen Institute for Brain Science as well, this view is also supported. To Koch, consciousness means a level of self-awareness and for oneself one has awareness of external world. He believes that any sort of behavior, be it biological or non-biological, requires reconsidering for coming out with novel strategies. Koch attempts to express in numbers the degree of consciousness experienced by living creatures via the use of experimental research, among which chimpanzee brains being linked together could be indicative.

Sir Roger Penrose, a well-known physicist argues that Panpsychism is the way through which quantum mechanics is capable of controlling the brain’s synapses. He who is Penrose, proposes that consciousness it’s quantum phenomons delimiting.

Nevertheless, without openly claiming to be a panpsychist, Penrose is of the opinion that the laws of physics are the foundation of complex structures, giving rise to consciousness, which makes mathematics possible and even justifies it, in virtue of its being these laws that ultimately govern the universe.

Among those who try to prove panpsychism is scientific is major mathematician Gregory Matloff, who at the moment is a professor of the New York City College of Technology. Matloff hypothesizes that as brief events of Parenago’s Discontinuity may show intelligent activity of the stars, which could be regarded as such manifestation of the consciousness.

The Milne’s idea, contrary to the gas clouds’ violent interactions theory, demands deeper studies and becomes relevant for the fields such as the European Space Agency undertaking horizon scanning missions, for example, with Gaia space telescope.

Matloff’s idea that the super-physical ‘proto-consciousness field’ could be the additional concept to replace the existence or dark matter, which constitutes a considerable part of the universe but cannot always be detected, is also proposed. Such a hypothesis prompts you to ponder the origin of consciousness happening under the forumla of atoms and subatomic particles.

Tononi’s neuroscientist and psychiatrist theory of integrative information, presented by him at the university of Wisconsin-Madison, provides an alterative perspective to the classic view of consciousness. Applied to this concept, consciousness is a ripple of energy traversing throughout the universe manifesting itself concretely but not yet clearly locatable. Tononi remarks a number conceived of as phi to indicate the percentage of consciousness possessed by entities, as opposed to the degree of intelligence.

Tonioni’s theory is an argument that is against the hypothesis that intelligence and consciousness are synonymous, although it is possible for artificial intelligence to reach consciousness independently of human monitoring. While intrinsic conscious AI is not the realization of AI experts and futurists like Ray Kurzweil and Elon Musk, this claim instills the debate of whether AI will do good or harm for humanity.

For further insights into Sir Roger Penrose’s perspectives on panpsychism 

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