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Scientists have provided an alternative perspective on black holes, suggesting that they may not be truly black or even holes.

Science shows the recent findings that the black holes, horrible gravitational entities which gobble up everything they find on the way and often considered black or holes, probably aren’t black or holes. Theoretical studies rather propose a novel theory of dark stars containing mysterious matter which lies at heart of a black hole. It can thereby reveal the hidden nature and open the question of dark matter which perplex the mankind for long time.

This borderline question by ultimate Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity refers to black holes. Here are areas in space known as black holes that are characterized by the ability to collect matter in their tiny regions that artificially warp space-time, creating an infinitely deep gravitational well where nothing can even light.

The black hole’s core is hypothesized to be where a singularity sits, the infinitely and small point that has the greatest density. At the singularity, gravity has such an overpowering strength that it lures the particles into the moment of the maximum curvature and they knack in the event horizon, which is stronger than the speed of light.

The phenomena of the universe are opposite progresses and collide upon areas of utter nothingness (used Metaphorically for infinite small singularities) called singularities. In essence, if the scientists manage to unify both of these fields into a quantum gravity theory, then in this case, they would need to study blackholes.

Nevertheless, matter principle that collapses to an infinite small point contradicts it, stating mathematical singularity kicks in places, might not be physically correct.

In other words, to avoid this dilemma physicists have happened to a singularity-free black hole called “dark stars”. ” These constructions act as magnet the black hole outside but have a Planck core, a densely compressed black core that is caught on the smallest scale. Concerning the “Planck” length we are referring to Planck length, a very tiny unit of measurement approximately 100 trillion times shorter than a proton, namely 10^-35 m.

In a recently published paper on arXiv, the physicist Igor Nikitin from the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computation in Germany presents mysterious dark star effects in the allegedly dense gravitational fields.

However, unlike the true black holes, dark stars do not have an horizonal limits. Compared to this, they share uniqueness in forming the deep gravitational well in which redshift values frustratingly reach high values. Therefore, its surface gives a conspicuous impression of the purest black of a black hole to the onboard observer from a distance.
It is Nikitin`s theory that given the unorthodox situation, it is likely that some hints as to what dark matter is could be revealed.

One of the first pieces of evidence that led to the existence of dark matter was the speed of stars orbiting around a galaxy, which is significantly higher as compared to the traditional speed predicted by only considering visible matter. In present days we know more or less that dark matter, the detection of which has not been luck even after the scientists’ net attempts, comprises 85% of all the universe mass. Nonetheless, despite the fact that these scientists have an idea about this, they still have unexplained matters to deal with regarding the genesis of dark matter.

The super researcher on this matter is Nikitin, sciences who was also of the opinion that the black holes could be a source of dark matter, and was adamant that these holes must have Planck cores. Indeed, his research might be able to help us to understand the mysterious phenomenon of the continuous stream of particles, the so called dark matter which may expelled from dark stars and, as a consequence, celebrities spin around galaxies, he will achieve his goal.

In a particularly interesting consideration, Nikitin comes up with an option that dark matter consists of normal particles that look rather strange. It is possible that this ordinance is as essential as photons, particles that carry the light, but the wavelength of these bypass particles could be extended so much to the redshift effect which could not be detected by modern type radio telescopes. Their globular nature and the large wavelength of the photons, approximately 16 times smaller than the distance from the Sun to Pluto or about 4 light days, give this large planetary system the appearance as though it has been condensed into a few globular planets.

However, the energy held by these particles is very small compared to many other sources of the energy that the Universe possesses. This might be enough to do the entire world revolves of the stars within galaxies. Additionally, Nikitin’s theory could potentially offer an explanation for another enigma in space: radio of fast bursts (FRBs) today’s genesis. The discovery of FRBs upped the sky in 2007, however their colour and origin are still unclear. Nikitin proposes that a hearty impact of an asteroid on Plank core would produce a spate of high-waves increasing in energy rapidly. The fierce gravitational pull from the black hole instead would pull in and absorb light periodically with redshift resulting in the light appearing to come from Earth.

Yes, in the perspective of creating two outstanding puzzles in the universe, the theory will make a lot of sense, but it will still be incredibly difficult to explain the tons of observational data that has a big chance for it to challenge the existence of black holes. However, despite this, his theory proves just how far outside of the box creative thinking can lead when solving problems the world thinks are beyond solving.

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