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Scientists have estimated that there are at least 36 intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy.

The question about life on Earth has been one of the longest existing mysteries that have captivated the minds of humans since ancient times. Drake equation is a powerful number which suicide convict for all of us, but it still lacks the ability to finalize our answers. Scientists at the University of Nottingham proposed a new formula based on the principle of “cosmic evolution” that indicated that our galaxy Milky Way could have up to 36 (civilization) endowed with intelligence.

Because billions of stars and the planets called exoplanets belong to our galaxy, the probability of other intelligent creatures living there appears probable as well. In this recent paper titled ” The Postulation of CETI civilizations in the Milk Way Assuming Their Similarity with the Earth life”, that was recently published in The Astrophysical Journal, astronomers lend some thinking on what could be the number of CETI civilizations in the Milky Wayif life follows the same pattern as it is manifested on Earth.

Also, this study faces criticism due to some assumptions which were made. The implication of such an assumption is that intelligent life could occur only within the same time frame that all intelligent life forms have developed on the Earth, namely around 5 billion years. Furthermore, the study also hypothesize that the technological civilization will have sustained for a month at least, say a century, which is a span of time comparable to a trajectory of the civilizations of our kind in billions of years.

The duration for which civilizations actively transmit signals into space, such as TV and radio broadcasts from satellites, will impact the total number of civilizations that exist. This concept, known as the “Astrobiological Copernican Limit,” proposes that there could be 36 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy alone, residing on Earth-like planets orbiting Sun-like stars that are at least 4.5 billion years old. Factors taken into account include the histories of star formation, the prevalence of metal-rich stars like the Sun, and the potential existence of habitable planets similar to Earth within the habitable zones of stars.

Tom Westby, Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham’s Faculty of Engineering and the lead author of the study, stated that the traditional method of estimating the number of intelligent civilizations involves making assumptions about life-related values, which can vary significantly. The new study, however, utilizes fresh data to provide a more accurate estimate of the civilizations present in our galaxy.

Under usage of a scenario based on positive perception on the beginning of life the certainly exist an exist range of possible mistakes in the estimation of at least 36 civilizations. The confirming of which there are many extraterrestrial civilizations’ existence is not an easy thing to be negated. As a matter of fact, what I believe is also equally possible, there is nothing left over.

The authors draw attention to the fact that at this point in time there is no way of discovering or exchanging information with any of more than 35 of these civilisations; their average distance being approximately 17,000 light-years away.

The potentially falsified long-lived intelligent civilizations all along display a challenging issue.

The research was backed by Christopher Conselice, who serves as a Professor of Astrophysics based in the University of Nottingham. He explains, “Investigating the possibility of intergalactic civilized intelligent bodies is not only about understanding the origin of life but also provides the new insights of our civilization’s longevity. ” “Scientists say that if extraterrestrial intelligents civilizations are common, then this could indicate that our civilization will be around for much longer than a few century. ””

However, the fact that we reside in a part of the galaxy with no thriving civilizations could also add cosmic significance to us only.

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