Scientists Discover a Dark Matter Stream Sweeping Across Earth at 310 Miles Per Second
Currently, a Dark Matter Stream is Passing Through Earth, Offering a Rare Chance for Scientific Discovery
This is the S1 stream – the debris of a smaller galaxy that was ripped apart by Milky Way’s gravity, including both luminous stars and unseen dark matter. S1 stream has been identified by the European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft, and has contents of stars that have a different composition from those of the galaxy. With the advancement in technology, it could be possible in the future to detect the components of this stream which comprises the dark matter hence leading to the discovery of the dark matter.
Notably, a Reddit user who read the article mobilized over 1. 4k upvotes with this comment: “If they never even detected it yet how do they know it is coming? The only way to describe it is that if you do not know what something is but recognize the signs of it, then you know it when you see it skill against a background though not in isolation. Signs suggest it is part of this S1 stream, the more of that we can get scientifically in captivity the more we may learn what it is literally. Is it very
This article will grab your attention by enlightening you with the already present dark matter stream through the solar system.

A ‘dark matter hurricane’ is blowing through the part of the Milky Way galaxy that hosts our solar system. Currently, it is right over the Earth, and a new research reveals that this vast current might explain much about dark matter. The above dark matter is streaming in what is known as the S1 stream. Such streams are thought to be the direct leftovers from galaxies as lesser galaxies come too close to the Milky way and are devoured by its gravitational pull disrupting them and leaving behind a trail of stars, dark matter and much else.
Dark Matter Hurricane
Dark matter is a mysterious substance that scientists theorize exists in large amounts throughout space, according to the Standard Model. While its true nature remains unknown, several leading theories exist, though none have been confirmed. The S1 stream is estimated to be carrying dark matter past us at around 310 miles per second (500 km/s) right now, offering a potential chance for detection.
Galactic Streams
Many such streams have been found in the Milky Way. These streams are often formed, by stars and dark matter and originate from smaller galaxies which are moving with the same velocity as the streams. ‘You can see them all over the galaxy and there are tons of them,’ ‘some are really huge,’ said Ciaran O’Hare from the University of Zaragoza in Spain.
These stars are being tracked and studied by the European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft that is mapping a billion stars, much of it focusing deep into our galactic neighborhood to identify these stars. Gaia discerned the S1 stream because of its approximately 30 000 stars are chemically different from the indigenous stellar population of the Galaxy, and they have a similar ellipse.
While more than 30 such streams have been discovered in our galaxy, the S1 stream was particularly unexpected because we are basically floating in it – the solar system is part of it. But where their paths overlap with ours – with the human species – they will do so for another several million years at least. But this will not make itself felt in our daily existence or on this world and the solar system, which remains the domain of a solitary star, the sun.
O’Hare and his group also looked into what might be the S1 stream’s impact within our galaxy and projected probable dark matter signs; these would be useful for hunting down and understanding the substance.