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Physicists believe they may have uncovered a major flaw in the universe

“Once you reach a cosmic scale, terms and conditions apply.”

Scientists from the University of Waterloo and the University of British Columbia have named the phenomenon a “cosmic glitch” in gravity, theorizing that the general theory of relativity does not account for the expanding universe. This deviation indicates that gravity is about one percent weaker at a distance of billions of light years, thereby posing a challenge to Einstein’s model in the universe. Because of such imperfections, scientists are developing a new framework that incorporates other conditions to explain such anomalies. This discovery might be just the first glimmer of a much bigger and far reaching astronomical enigma, altering the ways in which we visualize and comprehend the large-scale behavior of the universe.

Introducing Einstein 2.0

Scientists have found what they described as a “cosmic bug” in gravity that could allow a new understanding of the large scale strange behaviors.

This seems not to be the case, and according to a recent paper by scientists from the University of Waterloo and the University of British Columbia in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, there could be a problem with the theory of general relativity in explaining the acceleration of expansion of the universe.

“Einstein’s gravity model has been fundamental to our understanding of everything from Big Bang theories to capturing black hole images,” said lead author Robin Wen, a mathematical physics graduate from Waterloo, in the research announcement. “But when it comes to an analysis of gravity on the scales of cosmological, like, for example, galaxy clusters, we see certain deviations from general relativity.

“Gravity is slightly off from the theory of relativity,” Wen also said. “The latter is referred to as a cosmic glitch, during which gravity is about one per cent weaker at distances of billions of light-years. ”


Due to this anomaly, the researchers came up with new model to rectify the Einstein theory in a bid to explain these discrepancies.

‘Well, yes, it’s kinda like fine-tuning the theory by Einstein,’ Wen said to me. ‘But at such cosmic distances, other factors exercise added influence. ’

This could be one of the explanations for an enigma that has been racking astronomers and physicists for the past many years.

“Some 90 years ago astronomers found out that the universe is expanding,” comments coauthor Niayesh Afshordi, professor of astrophysics at the University of Waterloo. ”The farther the galaxies are the faster they are moving, approaching the universal speed limit defined by Einstein viz. The speed of light. ”

Now, our results are quite clear that, probably, even at these extremely large scales Einstein may have some lacuna, Afshordi added.

He also pointed out that the very process, proposed under the term “cosmic glitch”, is in its bare beginnings.

‘This new frame-work set up might be the first sign of a vastly enormous Cosmic Jigsaw slowly forming together in space and time,’ Afshordi further added.

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