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New Theory on the Fermi Paradox Suggests Aliens May Overlook Earth Due to Absence of Intelligent Signals

Why Haven’t Aliens Contacted Us? Study Suggests They’re Waiting for Our Tech Signals

A new paper has indicated that ‘smart’ aliens may not be able to detect human presence because of the absence of the technological signals. Astrophysicist Amri Wandel has suggested, that if life is prevalent in Milky Way then aliens might be more inclined towards planets with technology rather the existence of biological life. This work responds to the Fermi paradox which asks why, given the existence of the Universe for the time that is has, aliens have not arrived on Earth yet. There is also much confusion in the Earth’s originate radio signals which are why Wandel’s study questions that intelligent existence might be there, but they are waiting until we improve our means of communication.

In response to the article, a Reddit user gained over 167 upvotes with a comment: Stephen Hawking remarked that we should only hope that aliens are not attracted by our planet as then, with the technology required to get to us, we are as insignificant as ants scurrying across the sidewalk the article discusses why aliens might be waiting for signals from us before making contact. Suggest what you want in the comments section below!

The next question that comes to mind is why have we not received signals or ‘phone calls’ from aliens. May be they get bored with Earth.

A contemporary work publicly available in the arXiv consists in a preprint paper that points out that the interests Olber’s paradox would not entail aliens with more intelligence in planets that only sustained life. Astrophysicist Amri Wandel from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who wrote the paper, says that if life has emerged in many planets across the galaxy, aliens may find planets where both biology and technology exist to be more important.

The paper discusses the Fermi paradox, which assumes that intelligent extraterrestrial beings should have already arrived on the Earth, presupposing that they have developed interstellar traveling. As we have not witnessed such visitations it could mean that the Milky Way galaxy has no other life forms of intelligence. However, other theories attempt to explain the absence of alien encounters: maybe they came to earth before man evolved or they had ways of documenting their arrival. Perhaps space travel is more difficult than we imagine, or developed societies only exist now and therefore cannot get to our planet.

Perhaps they have chosen not to venture into space or have destroyed themselves. In his paper, Wandel provides a contrasting view by arguing that life might be present in the Milky Way. Of habitable rocky planets, many; If so, signal wouldn’t be sent through to planets; They can end up communicating with some algae or amoebas. If life is common, intelligent aliens would possibly be more interested in signals that would indicate technology even though it may not be easy to do so. Radio signals can only have been emitted by Earth for space-receivers since the 1930s.

On the theoretical view, 15,000 stars and their associated planets may have been affected by these signals but this is still a very small fraction of the 400 billion stars in the galaxy. Wandel also points out that due to the light travel time since the Earth started sending signals, only stars that are within 50 light years would have had the chance to reply.

Worse still, the first Earth signals being sent to space would be a technically accidental science fiction, and by a one-year light travel time, the signals would become unrecognizable to alien life forms. The current scientific opinion is some feel that this is the time to send another message; in 1974, humans transmitted the Arecibo message towards the star cluster M13, it was the first ever high-power broadcast to alien life forms.

Wandel concludes that unless intelligent civilizations are exceedingly common, with over 100 million technologically advanced planets in the Milky Way, it’s probable that Earth’s signals haven’t reached another intelligent species. However, as time goes on and Earth emits more radio noise, the chances of our signals being detected by intelligent life increase.

He suggests that the results indicate the absence of intelligent civilizations within roughly 50 light-years of Earth. Nonetheless, intelligent life could still be out there — just waiting for us to make contact.

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