NASA Just Revealed Neptune Is Not What We’re Being Told!
Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun and was the first to be predicted before it was discovered.
Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the sun but it is not the coldest.
Our solar system’s blue gas giant is far larger than Earth, at more than 17 times Earth’s mass and nearly 58 times Earth’s volume, according to NASA. Neptune’s rocky core is surrounded by a slushy fluid mix of water, ammonia and methane ice.
Astronomer Galileo Galilei was one of the first people to identify Neptune as a space object, however, he assumed it was a star based on its slow movement.
In September of last year, NASA released another image of the new super telescope that caused quite a stir.
The image shows the icy planet Neptune, and it’s the best we’ve seen of this fascinating planet in 30 years.
In fact, Neptune is one of the least explored and thus most mysterious planets in the solar system.
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