NASA Just Flew a Spacecraft Into the Sun For the First Time! (REAL FOOTAGE)
The Ancient Greeks tell us that Icarus flew too close to the Sun and tragically fell to the sea and drowned when the heat melted the wax in his wings.
For ages innumerable, that story was a deterrent for humanity to dare not dream the impossible for it will only end with us falling greater. But has humanity ever listened to any warnings? Not only did we just fly too close to the sun, we dared to touch it!
NASA succeeded where Icarus couldn’t when the Parker Solar Probe, became the first manmade object to touch the Sun.
Let’s find out how humanity rewrote history by making contact with a star!
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Love your video and how you explain that the Suns heat (?) does not affect the closeness of the spacecraft ckose to the Sun …nothing hurt it.
Now…If the spacecraft uses “water” to protect the instruments from the “heat” for me that means that also…the “SUN” Eexpells water drops to space making it “pure” not to harm planets, but to help in creating life on them.
Maybe our problem with the “suposedly” heat on Earth and beyond its not because of these “bursts” of tge Sun; … but from all the gases produce by our contaminated “Earth” but….thats how I see it.
Thank you for your efforts to try to know what its out there with the “SUN”