Math Constructed by a Physicist Proves the Possibility of ‘Paradox-Free’ Time Travel
Even though, to our knowledge, time travel has not yet been accomplished, scientists are nonetheless fascinated by the idea of it being theoretically feasible.
Moving through time poses many challenges to the fundamental laws of the universe, as depicted in films like The Terminator, Donnie Darko, Back to the Future, and many others. For instance, if you travel through time and prevent your parents from meeting, how can you possibly exist to travel through time in the first place?

The “grandfather paradox” is a major brainteaser, but Germain Tobar, an Australian University of Queensland physics student, just figured out way to “square the numbers” to make time travel possible without the paradoxes.
According to “classical dynamics,” knowing a system’s state at one point in time can provide information about that system’s entire history.
The study of dynamics is conceptually turned on its head by Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which predicts the occurrence of time loops or time travel, where an event may occur simultaneously in the past and the future.
The “grandfather paradox” is a difficult mathematical puzzle, but Australian University of Queensland physics student Germain Tobar has just discovered a solution to “square the numbers” and eliminate the paradoxes from time travel.
A system’s state at a particular time might provide information about the system’s whole history, according to “classical dynamics.”
Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which foresees the possibility of time loops or time travel, where an event may take place simultaneously in the past and the future, theoretically flips the study of dynamics on its head.
Tobar’s work is difficult to understand for non-mathematicians, but it examines how deterministic processes—without any randomness—affect any number of regions in the space-time continuum and shows how closed time-like curves—as predicted by Einstein—can be reconciled with both classical physics and the laws of free will.
The research’s principal investigator, physicist Fabio Costa of the University of Queensland, stated, “The math checks up, and the results are the stuff of science fiction.”

The research smoothed out the issue with a different theory, according to which time travel is conceivable but would be constrained in what time travelers might accomplish in order to prevent them from producing a paradox. In this hypothetical scenario, time travelers are free to act whatever they like, but paradoxes are impossible.
The time machines that scientists have so far created are so high-concept that for the time being they only exist as equations on a page. Despite the fact that the math may work out, actually bending space and time to go into the past remains elusive.
Stephen Hawking believed it was conceivable, so we could get there one day. If we do, this new research says we would be free to alter the past anyway we pleased since it would adapt itself appropriately.
The events will always modify themselves to prevent any inconsistency, Costa stated, no matter how hard you try to make a paradox.
Time travel with free will is theoretically feasible in our universe without causing any paradoxes, as demonstrated by the variety of mathematical processes we have found.
The research has been published in Classical and Quantum Gravity.
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