Groundbreaking! Scientists from Oxford Achieve Quantum Teleportation!
What if there were devices that could solve problems in the blink of an eye that would take even the fastest supercomputers billions of years to solve?
What if we had computers so powerful that they could simulate all of nature’s processes – and provide us with all the answers to the big questions of humanity, from the creation of the universe to the evolution of life?
Well, then we would have arrived in the exciting world of quantum computing! And indeed, scientists at the famous University of Oxford have now achieved a groundbreaking milestone in this field – connecting two quantum computers for the first time to solve a highly complex quantum task together!
In the course of this, a quantum logic gate was teleported over a distance of two meters – but how does something like this actually work? Why are quantum computers suspected of radically changing our daily lives in the future – and what actually gives them their incomparable computing power?
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