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A Sunspot with Intense Activity Is Directly Aimed at Us Once More. Here’s What We Can Anticipate.

The sunspot region responsible for the beautiful light shows observed across the entire globe in early May is back in action and remains quite non-standard.

AR 3664, which produced several X-class flare, including the largest flare in the current solar cycle, has become occult as it rotates behind the visible disk of the Sun mid this month. When it came out of the journey around the Sun, its appearance was quite astonishing.

Returning on 27 May with a new name, AR 3697, the sunspot released a second, even more powerful X-class flare, this time an X 2. 8.

Since then, it has produced 4 more X-class flares making the total of five flares as of now.

A closeup of AR 3697 on 3 June 2024. (NASA SDO)

The X1. An X1 flare was observed on 29 May as well as a 45 flare. 1 flare occurred on 31 May. On 1 June there were two flares by AR 3697 producing X1. 03 and an X1. 4. However, it is important to note that these eruptions are not expected to produce storms like those observed earlier in May. CME is not reported to have occurred, which is characterized by the ejection of a large amount of solar plasma and of a magnetic field. CMEs are also believed to cause auroras when they interact with the Earth’s magnetosphere.

However, AR 3697 still produces minor flares every day. On June 2, two M-class flares were released, which are ten times weaker than X-class flares. Further, ten C-class flares, which are only one-tenth as powerful as the M-class flares, were also registered. While these flares are not especially dangerous, there remains a greater than 30 percent chance of more X-class flares in the near future as stated by Spaceweatherlive.

The X-class flare of 27 May 2024. (NASA SDO)

The sunspot region is at disk center at present time. As a result, any explosions that are going to take place will most probably be directed towards us. This does not mean there will be CME activity but the probability is much higher than usual. Moreover, we are at or past the maximum of the current solar 11-year cycle in activity. This means that if AR 3697 has already produced its best, there is another sunspot region that may appear in the next several months and give people another marvelous show of light.

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