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A new theory suggests that aliens are ignoring Earth because there are no intelligent signals coming from our planet.

As pinpointed in one of the latest studies posted on the arXiv database, intelligent ETs may not care about Earth because there are no signs of biology and technology present on the planet. Astrophysicist Amri Wandel of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem reasons that aliens might be most interested in places where there is life and advanced technology.

The material covers the Fermi paradox which asks why extraterrestrial beings have not come to the Earth given how old the universe is and how they could travel through space. There are numerous theories that show that aliens may have visited Earth in the past when humans were incapable of documenting this. Some researchers argue that even if there is life on other planets it developed relatively recently and could not reach our planet yet; others believe that aliens simply do not evolve space. They may also have shuttered or perhaps they have self-imploded.

In this paper, Wandel provides an opposing view, and the reader will be pleased to learn that life is far from scarce in the Milky Way galaxy. If aliens did wish to send signals or provide information to the universe, they would probably do this with alien algae or amoebas, since there could easily be life on many of the rocky planets within the habitable zones of stars.

Thus, should life exist, aliens especially of high intelligence would probably be more interested in technological proof. However, the identification of these technological signals could be slightly difficult. Radio waves, which can be detected from space, have only been produced by our planet since the 1930s. Up until now, these signals have been detected in approximately 15,000 stars and their accompanying planets, which only accounts for a mere portion of the Milky Way’s estimated 400 billion stars. Similarly, Wandel mentions that only stars within the 50 light-year distance have had the time to respond since the Earth started sending signals into space since it takes time for the aliens to see our signals and send the response back.

New research in this area indicates that if there are less than 100 million technologically developed planets in the Milky Way, then Earth’s signals have probably not reached other intelligent life forms. Nonetheless, as the earth radiates more noise in to space over time, the probability of our signals being intercepted by an intelligent civilization also rises.

The research evidence means that technologically advanced civilizations might not be within 50 light years from Earth. However, one can still hope that somewhere in the vastness of the universe there may be intelligent beings, maybe they are expecting an invitation from us.

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