Never Before Seen Cataclysmic Collision of Two Black Holes
Scientists are scrambling to prepare for the biggest collision ever witnessed by humanity.
In a perfect world, astronomers would have unlimited access to wonderful telescopes and unfettered resources to scour the universe. Being imperfect, however, means that researchers must scramble to reserve observation time for unique celestial events and glimpses of the out of the ordinary.
So, when a queue forms for a never-before seen spectacle that may light up the cosmos with an explosion of light, we naturally pay attention.
Like now.
It’s two supermassive black holes, with a combined mass of hundreds of millions of our Suns, and they appear to be on a collision course with each other. What their cataclysmic encounter will unleash is anyone’s guess, but the expression of energy will literally shake the entire universe.
We peer across deep space at an event that has long been predicted but never witnessed by humanity. What will we see?
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