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First Detection of Light Behind a Black Hole Reveals How It Warps Space and Bends Light

There’s always light at the end of the tunnel?

Scientists have witnessed for the first time light from behind a black hole thus proving a key part of the theory proposed by Albert Einstein. Studying a supermassive black hole some 800 million light-years away, the scientists saw X-ray flares emanating from this object’s corona as well as some peculiar luminous echoes of light that got distorted by the black hole’s gravity. It has also enabled particular areas that were previously hidden to be observed through bending of lights. It demonstrates that gravity is strong near the black holes and displays the magnetic field behaviors that are expected to be found by the modern technology based on Einstein’s theory.

This discovery is made at a time when astronomers are given bright X-ray flares from a supermassive black hole in the centre of a distant galaxy. Although observing the black hole’s corona, the researchers identified other extra twinkling of different colors and brightness called “luminous echoes. ”

This animation shows the path of light around an object that is warping space-time. The dent acts as a lens. Light from a distant object that passes near the lens will be bent, which can make the object appear brighter and distorted. NASA, ESA, and Goddard Space Flight Center/K. Jackson

This is the direct evidence which prove the theory of general relativity proposed by Einstein as to how black holes warp the light around them and for the first time can observe the area beyond the black hole. Roger Blandford, a scientist who co-authored the study that was published in the journal Nature said, “When astrophysical first started thinking about the dynamics of magnetic fields near black holes half a century ago, it could not be anticipated that one day there would be technology that would allow people to observe this and see how the theory of Einstein worked. ”

Dan Wilkins, an astrophysicist at Stanford University, pointed out another; “Actually, we should not see anything because what gets dragged into a black hole can never escape it, the light, but we do, because the black hole twists space, bends light and twists magnetic fields around it. ”

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