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For the first time, researchers successfully achieve quantum teleportation over a distance of 44 kilometers.

Quantum Teleportation Over 44 Kilometers Achieved, Paving the Way for a Quantum Internet Revolution

Fermilab and university of Calgary have recorded new advancement in quantum teleportation by transmitting q information through 44 kilometers. This achievement published in Physical Review helps to make the idea of a quantum internet in which entangled qubits instantly swap information closer to a reality. Such a network could in effect brought a new revolution in data storage, precision sensing and computing. The research advances the work on quantum system scaling and supports the overall plan for a quantum internet in the United States. It was thus a significant advancement because the previous record in quantum teleportation was six kilometers only.

Scientists from Fermilab, the University of Calgary and other institutions have presented a success on the teleportation of an object in a remote place for the first time without interruption.

This progression could one day result in the formation of a quantum internet, where information in the form of qubits can be sent over long distances being entangled with each other which could have implications in data storage, precision measurement, and computation says Fermilab.

The team was able to successfully beam photons’ qubits over a distance of 44km of optical fiber, something that cannot be considered as actual teleportation in this case. A better example to admire is in quantum teleportation that involves sending quantum states from one place to another. Quantum entanglement enables the couple of particles to be correlated in such a manner that by changing the status of one, the status of the other will change instantly-Einstein referred to this as the spooky action at a distance.

In transferring quantum qubits which is the basic building block in quantum computing the researchers intend to forge networks of quantum computers that can share information at a breathtaking speed.

“This is a major step toward making it possible to set up quantum systems in multiple places with the likelihood of forming bigger networks,” said Christoph Simon, University of Calgary professor of physics and co-authors on the paper featured in Physical Review ten days ago.

There has been a major difficulty in providing a constant stream of information with the previous record for quantum teleportation achieved at only six kilometer distance by the researchers from the University of Calgary as described in VICE magazine.

Modern researchers are now aiming to extend these systems, employing entanglement in order to transfer the information and quantum memory – in order to store it.

The US Department of Energy has also stated its strategy for the first quantum internet constructing several of its National Laboratories in the several regions of the United States.

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