Why Recent Unusual Activities in the San Andreas Fault Could Trigger a Major Earthquake
Buried deep beneath the golden glint of the Californian countryside lies a geological disaster waiting to happen, and this is where things get really creepy. The San Andreas Fault system is California’s major fault, stretching 800 miles from the Mendocino Triple Junction to the Mexican border.
This fault has been slowly storing up energy in rocks for more than a century, and it will not take long for it to let it all out. Specifically, the Pacific and North American tectonic plates are stuck in what is referred to as a “lockup state,” meaning that they continuously accumulate stress with every passing moment.
When the fault does slip, a Level 7 earthquake would take out most of California and cause widespread destruction. This, as a matter of fact, is not a possibility that may happen in the far future; instead, it is an expected occurrence that is likely to happen within our lifetime. Recent activity in the field predicts scientists from the Parkfield seismological laboratory for a big 7.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon’ has stepped up the gear with an incoming 9 magnitude quake that devastated San FranciscWhich specific forms of earthquake activity or quake activity have been recorded or detected in the Parkfield area?
A smaller probability, the question arises whether anything realistically could bring down the possibility of a 1906 scale earthquake?The answers maybe even scarier than you can probably think of.
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