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In the core of this remote galaxy, there exist not one, but two black holes emitting powerful jets.

Astronomers have recently discovered a binary supermassive black hole system using NASA’s TESS spacecraft, as the smaller black hole in the pair released its quasar jet.

Another galaxy, about 4 billion light-years distant, also has an active nucleus and a recently observable binary black hole system. Head-on, for a brief time span, one of the black holes violently crossed the accretion disk of the other thereby forming a double quasar.

Artwork depicting the double quasar jets at the heart of the blazar galaxy OJ 287. (Image credit: NASA/JPL–Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC) and M. Mugrauer (AIU Jena))

Quasar symbolizes the nucleus of a galaxy which is quite far from us. This high-energy output originates due to the constant feeding of a supermassive black hole that devours masses. However, because the density of matter is so large in a black hole, instead of its free fall to beyond the event horizon, the black hole ejects a large amount of it in a magnetically collimated jet. When we look at this jet of charged particles directly, at a speed that is nearly the same as the speed of light, then the quasar seems to be tremendously luminous. This object is known as a blazar, which is a shortening of ‘blazar. ’

One of the best examples of a blazar is known as OJ 287 and it is located at a distance of approximately 4 billion light-years. To be precise one can study it even with large amateur equipment while the records regarding the observation of OJ 287 goes back to 1885. The variations that have been observed suggest that OJ 287 undergoes periodic brightening every twelve years. As stated, in 2014, Pauli Pihajoki, a Ph. D. student at the University of Turku, Finland, has suggested that this brightening could result in the presence of a secondary less massive black hole orbiting and engulfing with the primary black hole. If this secondary black hole exists, then it would be spiraling in a very eccentric orbit, and it would only come close to the primary once in twelve years.

Besides a general improvement of the system, Pihajoki assumed that this interaction would also cause the smaller black hole to siphon off some matter from the massive primary black hole’s vast accretion disk. Therefore, the smaller black hole would produce formation and quasar jet of its own albeit a short-lived one. In fact, the speaker of the Pihajoki variety even stated a forecast concerning the timing of this occurrence. Subsequently, in November 2021, TESS – the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite of NASA, which conducts surveying for exoplanets – briefly shifted its gaze towards the OJ 287. Swift has been partnered with TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, as well as Fermi gamma-ray space observatory in addition to more than twenty ground-based observatories. However, it was TESS that made the crucial observations of the transit of the star, which happened to be the main observations required by the scientists.

TESS noticed a big flare in OJ 287 on 12 November 2021, where the object brightened by about 2 magnitudes for approximately 12 hours. The final outburst lasted for 16 minutes and was as bright, and in some states, 100 normal galaxies for the same amount of time. The increase was due to a jet coming from the second black hole. The other telescope observations also provided strong backing for this discovery, and Fermi was particularly notable for detecting a large gamma-ray flare.

Mauri Valtonen from the University of Turku, who led the observing campaign, said, “We can now state that the observations show signs that this is an orbiting black hole, just like we can state that TESS observed planets going around stars”.

Through the observations the confirmation of the masses of the black holes was made possible. The main energy source in OJ 287 in the main black hole which has a rather impressive 18. The primary black hole, is relatively small, weighing in at 35 billion solar masses, and the secondary one is no slouch at 150 million solar masses. Unlike, Sagittarius A*, the black hole residing at the core of Milky Way galaxy has a mass of only 4. 1 million solar masses.

Another factor that has led to the brief activity of the flare is the reason why it and flares from other binary black hole systems remained unnoticed. This means that it is essential to find out when and where these flares should be spotted as there may be countless other binary black holes that have not been discovered yet. These binary black hole systems, however, may soon be unveiled.

‘The smaller black hole is expected to unveil its location in other forms, producing nano-Hertz gravitational waves,’ said Achamveedu Gopakumar from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India and also involved in the observations. “The gravitational waves from OJ 287 are likely to be seen in the coming years by the evolving pulsar timing arrays. ”

Pulsar timing arrays work on the principle where a group of pulsars situated in space is followed. Pulsars are swiftly spinning neutron stars that emit radio waves in the form of beams similar to those coming from lighthouses in space. This is done making an assessment of the rate at which they change the direction of their radio beam pointing towards us. Some may rotate hundreds of times per second, making them appear as pulsating radio beams each time their beams sweep towards the Earth.

This is so because pulsars are extraordinarily accurate in their time keeping and their pulsation periods are unparalleled. But if gravitational waves pass between us and the pulsar, they might alter the space that separates the two of us and the pulsar and thus change how the pulsar time passes.

Binary black holes are at the center of the formation process of supermassive black holes. New discoveries presented at the 244th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in June in Wisconsin revealed that accretion of supermassive black holes plays a major role in their size. During the merging process, these black holes move closer to each other slowly while radiating gravitational waves through space. While the rate is rather low for direct detection by LIGO – Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory – the future space-based detector LISA – Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, should be ready to identify their merging during large cosmic mergers.

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