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Research indicates that our cosmos grows larger as it combines with smaller ‘baby universes’.

Our universe is rapidly expanding at an increasing rate, a phenomenon that all space theories acknowledge but cannot fully explain. However, a new concept has emerged suggesting that the expansion of our universe is a result of its interaction with and absorption of “baby” universes.

When scientists examine the cosmic microwave background, the afterglow of the Big Bang, they observe that our universe is expanding at an accelerated pace. To make sense of this, physicists rely on the Standard Cosmological Model, which introduces the concept of dark energy as the force propelling the universe’s expansion.

Nevertheless, dark energy remains an enigma, as it has not been directly observed. Consequently, some space scientists are questioning whether there are other factors contributing to the universe’s expansion.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, scientists propose the idea that our universe might be expanding because it continually encounters other universes.

“The significant finding from our research is that the rapid expansion of our universe, attributed to the mysterious dark energy, could potentially be explained by its interaction with these ‘baby’ universes. This concept appears to align better with the available data compared to the conventional cosmological notion,” explained Jan Ambjørn, the lead scientist behind the study, who is affiliated with Copenhagen University. Ambjørn shared these insights via email with LiveScience.

The notion of other universes intersecting with ours has been previously discussed, but this study employed rigorous mathematical calculations to explore the potential consequences of such interactions. According to the researchers’ computations, if our universe is indeed merging with other universes, it would result in its expansion, which aligns with our telescopic observations.

The scientists have also determined the rate at which they believe the universe is expanding using this concept, and they claim that it aligns more closely with observations in space than the traditional explanation.

This concept also addresses another significant question in space science: why the universe experienced rapid expansion shortly after the Big Bang.

Previously, scientists attributed this rapid expansion to something known as “the inflaton” – a theoretical entity that caused the universe to rapidly expand in the initial milliseconds after the Big Bang. However, in this new research, the scientists propose that perhaps this early expansion occurred because our infant universe was engulfed by a larger one.
“The rapid expansion of the Universe implies that it may have been due to a collision with a larger universe, similar to our Universe being absorbed by another ‘parent’ universe,” the scientists stated in their publication. “The exact mechanism of this absorption is unknown, making it challenging to determine if this theory can fully explain the inflationary period. However, one intriguing aspect of this concept is that it eliminates the need for the inflaton.”

The scientists suggest that following the absorption of our universe, it continued to collide with other infant universes, further expanding itself.

While this concept sheds light on some fundamental questions about space, its validity remains uncertain until more evidence is gathered. Numerous experiments are currently underway to study the cosmic microwave background, which may provide answers in the near future.
“The current rate of expansion of our Universe deviates from traditional cosmological theories, and we believe that the Euclid telescope and the James Webb telescope will aid in determining the most plausible explanation,” stated Yoshiyuki Watabiki, a researcher at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, in an interview with Live Science.

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