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Physicist Theorizes The Possibility of Time Travel Without Paradoxes

The feasibility of time travel, though not yet achieved, remains an intriguing subject for scientists. Movies like The Terminator, Donnie Darko, and Back to the Future explore the complexities that arise when altering the past, posing questions about the fundamental rules of the Universe.

A 3D illustration of a wormhole, a theoretical tunnel between two black holes

The infamous ‘grandfather paradox,’ wherein preventing one’s parents from meeting raises logical challenges, has puzzled researchers. However, a few years ago, Germain Tobar, a physics student from the University of Queensland, devised a method to make time travel theoretically possible without encountering paradoxes by addressing classical dynamics.

“Einstein’s theory of general relativity anticipates the existence of time loops or time travel, where an event can simultaneously exist in both its past and future, fundamentally challenging our understanding of dynamics.”

The calculations indicate that space-time has the potential to adapt itself to prevent paradoxes.

For instance, consider a time traveler attempting to go back in time to prevent the spread of a disease. If successful, there would be no disease for the time traveler to combat in the first place. Tobar’s work suggests that, in such a scenario, the disease would find an alternative route or method to escape, avoiding the paradox. Regardless of the time traveler’s actions, the disease would persist.

Although Tobar’s work involves complex mathematics, it explores the impact of deterministic processes on multiple regions in the space-time continuum. It demonstrates how closed time-like curves, as predicted by Einstein, can coexist with the principles of free will and classical physics.

Physicist Fabio Costa from the University of Queensland, who supervised the research, stated, “The maths checks out – and the results are the stuff of science fiction.”

Fabio Costa (left) and Germain Tobar (right). (Ho Vu)

The research introduces an additional hypothesis, suggesting that time travel is possible, but time travelers would be limited in their actions to prevent paradoxes. According to this model, time travelers have the freedom to act as they please, yet paradoxes are inherently impossible.

While the theoretical calculations align, the actual bending of space and time to achieve time travel remains a significant challenge. The existing time machines devised by scientists exist only as conceptual calculations on paper.

While the possibility of time travel remains uncertain, if achieved, this research implies that individuals could freely interact with the past, and the universe would adjust itself accordingly.

“Try as you might to create a paradox, the events will always adjust themselves to avoid any inconsistency,” Costa remarked. “The range of mathematical processes we discovered show that time travel with free will is logically possible in our Universe without any paradox.”

The research has been published in Classical and Quantum Gravity.

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