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Chinese Scientists Unearth Rare Lunar Crystal with Potential to Energy Earth

The discovery of a rare lunar crystal on the near side of the moon has sparked optimism among scientists, suggesting the possibility of offering perpetual, limitless power for the world.

A recently discovered lunar crystal, composed of a previously unidentified material, contains a critical component for the nuclear fusion process—a method of power generation that taps into the same forces powering the Sun and other celestial bodies in the galaxy.

Derived from lunar basalt particles collected in 2020, this crystal is a groundbreaking find, marking China as the third nation, following the US and the former Soviet Union, to unveil a new lunar mineral. China’s lunar mission, which landed in Oceanus Procellarum in December 2020, represented the first lunar sample return mission since the 1970s, yielding over 1.7 kg of lunar samples safely delivered to Earth.

Dubbed Changesite-(Y) by the Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, after the Chinese moon goddess Chang’e, this transparent crystal, approximately the width of a human hair, originated from a region of the moon that experienced volcanic activity around 1.2 billion years ago.

Notably, the crystal contains helium-3, a primary ingredient believed to offer a stable fuel source for nuclear fusion reactors. While helium-3 is scarce on Earth, it appears more abundant on the moon. China’s upcoming moon mission, Chang’e 6 in 2024, aims to collect samples from the far side of the moon, which is perpetually hidden from Earth.

While financial estimates for harnessing this lunar fuel source are yet to be determined, the process is anticipated to be costly, particularly regarding the transportation of the crystals back to Earth. Helium-3 has long intrigued scientists due to its potential as a cleaner fuel for nuclear fusion, producing less radiation and nuclear waste compared to other elements. This stands in contrast to the current nuclear fission process used in power plants, which raises safety concerns due to the generation of radioactive waste.

Helium-3’s promising characteristics make it an attractive candidate for a safer and more efficient fuel source, potentially revolutionizing the nuclear power landscape. With an estimated economic value of $3 billion per ton, around 25 tonnes of helium-3, equivalent to a fully loaded Space Shuttle cargo bay, could power the US for a year. As multiple entities, including private companies and countries with space agencies, express interest in mining the moon for helium-3, this recent discovery could fuel a burgeoning competition in lunar resource exploration.

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