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Scientists Uncover “Indications” of a Preceding Universe Prior to Ours

Recent research suggests the existence of a previous cosmic realm that predates our own, indicating the presence of an eternal cosmic cycle.

“The next universe will be just like ours — but only in overall appearance, not in detail, of course…”

A scientist may have made significant breakthroughs by unearthing compelling evidence pointing to the existence of a prior universe. Professor Sir Roger Penrose proposes that our current universe represents the latest link in an infinite sequence of interconnected universes. This theory aims to shed light on the enigmatic question of what existed before the Big Bang.

Another Universe Existed Prior to This One

Based on the insights shared by Professor Sir Roger Penrose, a distinguished theoretical physicist and former colleague of the late Professor Hawking, the current state of our universe bears the remnants of the cataclysmic events that led to the demise of its predecessor approximately 14 billion years ago.

Professor Penrose, an esteemed researcher at Oxford University, is widely recognized as one of the foremost experts in his field. He asserts that the evidence at hand indicates that our cosmos is merely the latest installment in an infinite sequence of universes, each emerging through a transformative process akin to a phoenix rising from the ashes of its predecessor during a phenomenon known as the Big Bang.

According to prevailing scientific understanding, the origin of the universe, along with its celestial bodies such as stars, planets, and galaxies, emerged mysteriously from elusive subatomic principles that are still not fully comprehended.

The inflationary model, which proposed an innovative hypothesis for the universe’s formation in the 1970s, was once considered groundbreaking. However, as our understanding of the cosmos deepens through ongoing research, this concept has started to lose its significance.

In light of a cyclic perspective on the cosmos, the question of what existed before our universe finds a straightforward answer: another universe.

Professor Penrose, collaborating with colleagues from the United States and Poland, has been actively investigating this notion. Their assertions are built upon studies of the residual radiation from the Big Bang, and they believe they have finally uncovered evidence supporting the existence of universes that preceded our own.

During the mid-1960s, astronomers made a groundbreaking discovery of radiation known as microwaves permeating throughout space.

However, subsequent studies have revealed that this radiation is not uniformly distributed across the universe. Astronomers posit that the unevenness in distribution can be attributed to turbulence occurring during the birth of our universe.

Intriguingly, Professor Penrose and his colleagues propose that the detected radiation exhibits consistent patterns that could be indicative of events transpiring in a previous parallel universe.

According to their hypothesis, our cosmic predecessor may have harbored supermassive black holes that gradually consumed all matter over billions of years.

Eventually, after countless millions of years, these immense black holes would have met their demise in spectacular displays of what is known as Hawking Radiation.

Reference(s): Research paper

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