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Discover the Surprising Wonders of Space: 7 Things You Didn’t Know

Space is full of surprises and mysteries that continue to baffle scientists and intrigue the public. From strange planets to mysterious objects floating in the cosmos, there’s always something new to discover.

In this article, we’ll explore seven surprising things you might not know about space.

1.Saturn’s Moon, Enceladus, has an Ocean beneath its Surface

Illustration of the interior of Saturn’s moon Enceladus showing a global liquid water ocean between its rocky core and icy crust. Thickness of layers shown here is not to scale.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Enceladus is one of Saturn’s many moons, but it stands out because it has a subsurface ocean of salty liquid water. Scientists have found evidence of this ocean by analyzing the moon’s plumes, which spew out water vapor and icy particles from its south pole. This discovery has led to speculation that Enceladus could potentially host life, making it a prime target for future exploration missions.

2.The Universe is Expanding Faster than Expected

The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, and scientists have been trying to figure out why. Recent studies have shown that the expansion rate is faster than previously thought, which suggests that dark energy – a mysterious force that counteracts gravity – may be behind it. This discovery has profound implications for our understanding of the cosmos and its ultimate fate.

3.The Largest Volcano in the Solar System is on Mars

An illustration of Olympus Mons, the largest known volcano in the solar system. Mars may have a mantle plume that’s fueling its earthquakes and recent volcanism. (Image credit: SEBASTIAN KAULITZKI/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via Getty Images)

While many people know that Olympus Mons is the tallest mountain in the solar system, fewer know that it’s also the largest volcano. This massive shield volcano is three times the height of Mount Everest and covers an area the size of Arizona. It’s been dormant for millions of years, but if it were to erupt, it could have devastating effects on the planet’s climate and potential for life.

4.The Sun’s Magnetic Field is Flipping

The sun’s magnetic field flips every 11 years, with the north and south poles swapping places. This is a normal part of the sun’s cycle, but the current flip has been delayed, with the south pole taking longer than usual to switch. This could have implications for space weather, which can impact communication and navigation systems on Earth.

5.There’s a Hypothetical Planet in our Solar System

Astronomers have long suspected that there may be another planet beyond Neptune, dubbed Planet Nine. This hypothetical world would be roughly ten times the mass of Earth and would have a highly elongated orbit that takes it far away from the sun. While no direct evidence has been found yet, some researchers have proposed that the existence of this planet could explain certain orbital anomalies in the outer solar system.

6.We Can Hear Sounds in Space

While space is often thought of as a silent vacuum, it’s actually filled with electromagnetic waves that can be converted into sound. NASA has released recordings of sounds from space, including the eerie whistling of the Van Allen radiation belts and the haunting hiss of Saturn’s rings. While these sounds are fascinating, they’re not audible to the human ear without the aid of special equipment.

7.The First Object from Another Star System was Spotted in 2017

In 2017, astronomers discovered an object that appeared to be a comet or asteroid from another star system passing through our solar system. Named ‘Oumuamua,’ which means “scout” or “messenger” in Hawaiian, the object was unlike anything ever seen before, with a long, cigar-like shape and an unusual trajectory. Some scientists have even


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