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An Ex-NASA Employee Talks About Life On Neptune

NASA is adept at maintaining secrecy. Everyone who applies for a job there, even the cooks and cleaners, must sign non-disclosure agreements.

As a result, mysticism and fantasy are constantly present in anything having to do with NASA.

In a lengthy radio interview, 89-year-old former NASA employee Norman Bergrun discussed the numerous extraterrestrial civilizations in space. But what’s most intriguing is that Norman mentioned the far-off planet Neptune.

He claimed that this planet had a 2.5–3 km thick ice cap that is covered in liquid water, although water with a distinct chemical make-up.

Recently, NASA satellites captured geysers erupting from the planet’s interior for the first time. It is also a known fact that Neptune occasionally experiences volcanic outbursts.

Let’s think about such a scene instead of focusing on the former NASA employee’s statements. All around us is ice, but as soon as we descend a few kilometers, we are in liquid.

Given that the planet’s core reaches a temperature of + 7100 degrees, it is reasonable to believe that the water temperature in the depths is conducive to the emergence of life.

According to Norman Bergrun, Neptune has life. Furthermore, highly advanced. These aquatic multicellular animals have a very little dolphin-like resemblance. The world’s civilization is not technical. Rather biological, but with different breathing and chemical process principles.

The American said that NASA had an entire department of contactees who made contact with members of extraterrestrial civilizations in 1978. The people of Neptune were one of them. It’s true that there was no formal communication.

The extrasensory talents of the aquatic habitat’s representatives are far less developed than those of humans, and they lack the ability to speak.

However, contactees have visited Neptune’s waters and have witnessed a variety of animals. The majority of them have no discernible form.

The society of species that resemble dolphins, however, has a specific skeleton, fins, and several tentacles. The water of the planet also contains analogs of our jellyfish, but they are much larger and have a reddish structure in the centre.

If the contactees are to be believed, Neptune is home to a variety of living things that defy description.

The nature of the planet was left unaltered since development on Neptune followed an entirely different course than on Earth. There is no anthropogenic contamination present.

According to Norman Bergrun, NASA is sincerely interested in drilling into Neptune’s ice sheet and lowering the instrument into the water. The date of this procedure can be changed, however it was scheduled for 2046. So perhaps we shall glimpse the enigmatic alien beings in our lifetime.

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