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What Would Earth Be Like If Suddenly There Was No Moon?

The role of our satellite in the existence of the Earth and its inhabitants is much more important than we think. The Earth is linked to the Moon by a very close relationship, by a bond that begins from the moment of their formation. What if the moon didn’t exist?
When the Earth was still a newborn, just a few tens of millions of years old, the surrounding space was full of insidious objects of various sizes, from small pieces of rock up to very massive bodies, which scampered here and there attracted by the Sun and the various planets in formation.

Collisions were therefore very frequent, sometimes destined to drastically change the appearance and size of the bodies involved. It happened then that a large protoplanet of the mass of Mars, then named Theia, instead of choosing a quiet orbit around the Sun ended up falling over the young Earth.
Theia hit at a speed of a few kilometers per second…

The impact was inelastic, with the almost total transformation of kinetic energy into heat and the ferrous core of the planetoid sank into the Earth’s mantle until it merged with the Earth’s core.

At the same time, the portion of the mantle of Theia farthest from the Earth was spared from the impact and continued on its way, but perturbed by Earth’s gravity changed direction and entered the orbit of our planet, where powerful tidal forces broke it into minute fragments.

In a few hours, eighty percent of Theia was completely assimilated, while the remaining fraction went to form a disk of debris around our planet.

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